Hudson Reporter Archive

Elysian Charter School is thankful for our new school

Dear Editor:
On behalf of myself and the entire Elysian Board of Trustees we would like to thank all of our families, wonderful teachers, superb staff and the Hoboken community in general for all of their support in helping us obtain a brand new state of the art facility. Our new building at 1460 Garden Street is a symbol of what cooperation and compromise between public and private entities can achieve. Hoboken now has a LEED certified platinum residential building and Elysian has new classrooms, more space, state of the art technology and natural lighting. All of these features have been proven to not just enhance but augment a child’s ability to learn.
Our journey was long and arduous. Ever since the schools founding in 1997 we have been looking for our own space, but in Hoboken as we all know, space is at a premium. But then in 2007 Larry Bijou approached us with a vision for a residential building with a school on two floors. And the seed was planted. Through economic downturns and several permutations he kept the idea of a school throughout the whole process. And we started our part, our community came together and year after year, we had fundraising events, annual galas, auctions, mixers, golf outings and the like; always with our eye on the prize.
And finally after all those years we now have one home for the next 30 years. I am proud to have lead the families and team at Elysian during this remarkable time. It is extraordinary to see the good that comes when families, community members, businesses and just plain good people come together. It shows we are truly committed and Hoboken strong.

Thank you,
Eduardo Gonzalez
Board President
Elysian Charter School

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