Hudson Reporter Archive

Why Frank Raia wants your vote

Dear Editor:
I am running for the City Council because of my deep commitment to the residents of the 3rd Ward. The upcoming November Election is crucial to Hoboken’s future, and will decide the direction that our City embarks upon for years to come.
I cannot stand by on the sidelines and allow the town that we all love to slide downhill, rather than to move forward with a progressive agenda.
Throughout both my business and public career, I have always taken pride in my ability to work with all factions. I am always ready to reach across the table – when necessary – to achieve positive results for the
greatest number of people so as to benefit the community as a whole. Such skills in government are sorely needed now – more than ever.
Instead of standing up for the best interests of all the people – as I have always done – the current 3rd Ward Councilman has continually stood in the way of progress designed to help Hoboken’s families.
One glaring example of this is his no vote against building an urgently needed flood pump to prevent our streets and homes from being inundated with rainwater every time there is a significant downpour.
The incumbent 3rd Ward Councilman refused to come to the aid of the people in his own Ward at a time when they severely needed help.
Let’s be honest. We need a new approach in City government. One based on transparency, concern for constituents, and true independence. We have been overtaxed and under-served for too long.
Throughout my life, I have never been shy about speaking up on the issues and speaking out on behalf of others. I want to be your voice on the Council and answer to you alone.
I am running because I want to serve all the residents of the 3rd Ward, not just a few. And I need your vote on November 3rd to bring positive change to Hoboken. Together, we can and will make a big difference in the way City Hall operates.

Frank Raia
3rd Ward Council Candidate

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