Hudson Reporter Archive

Bipartisanship is what is needed

Dear Editor:
New Jersey is such a partisan state. It is considered “blue” outside the state, but it’s a checker-board in-state with very red areas and very blue areas and darn few “swing” districts. It has been this way for a long time.
Bipartisan cooperation, compromise and collaboration by politicians make progress possible. Not really as rare as most cynical voters think. New Jersey needs reasonable policies addressing real solutions to real problems. AARP supported helping family caregivers with the CARE Act signed into law by Gov. Christie last year. Over the years, AARP supported new laws providing protections against unwanted telemarketing calls and predatory lending, identity theft, reforming the long-term care system, defending property tax relief programs from budget cuts… We win some, we lose some but we never stop advocating.
Legislators need to work together to send reasonable bills to Gov. Christie’s desk before the end of the year. Pass the Secure Choice Savings Act which has strong bipartisan sponsorship to help small businesses help their employees save for retirement. Pass legislation to address the health insurance out-of-network issue. Establish a rational, reasonable earned paid sick leave state-wide benefit and maybe even address property taxes. You can do it.

Douglas Johnston
AARP New Jersey interim State Director

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