Hudson Reporter Archive

Butchko will improve education for all

To the Editor:

I decided to run for the One Year Term on the Board of Education because Bayonne needs independent and pro-active input on the School Board if our educational system is to operate in a more professional, transparent and cost effective manner.
Throughout my career on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, and in New Jersey, I have always been a staunch advocate for improving educational standards. Through the years, I have served on the Education Committees in both Houses of Congress, and worked alongside Elliot Richardson, the Secretary of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare on numerous pieces of legislation relating to improving schools and offering more opportunities to students.
In fact, when I served on the staff of New Jersey’s Congressman, Frank Guarini, I helped draft the bill that he sponsored to create the U.S. Department of Education as a separate Government agency with status in the President’s Cabinet.
You can be assured that I will bring my detailed knowledge, rock solid determination, and know-how as to how things get done in government to help Bayonne’s school system for the benefit of all of our students, parents and taxpayers.
Last month, on August 19th, a Ms. Elisha DeMaria wrote a wonderful letter in this newspaper on behalf of the Bayonne Special Education Parent Advisory Committee inquiring where the candidates stood regarding students with special needs.
I want to state categorically that improving opportunities for special needs students will definitely be one of my priorities, as it has been one of my areas of expertise in government. In fact, my late cousin, Dr. Leon Butchko — born and raised in Bayonne — was the Director of Bergen County’s Special Services School District and an innovative leader in his field. So you can be assured that I am very familiar with these issues and wholeheartedly committed to their advancement.
Accordingly, I urge everyone to go to the polls on November 3rd and elect independent School Board Trustees to move our school system forward. Please vote 18D and elect John Butchko to the one year term on the Board of Education.

School Board Candidate
VOTE 18 D – One Year Term

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