Hudson Reporter Archive

Blessed Miriam Teresa, S.C., one year commemoration of beatification

To the Editor:

On behalf of the parish family of St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church, 15 East 26th Street, Bayonne, I would like to inform everyone that we will be having a Divine Liturgy of Thanksgiving to seek the intercession and commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Beatification of Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, S.C., on Saturday, October 3, at 3 p.m. His Grace, Most Reverend Kurt Burnette, will be the Main Celebrant.
The beatification of Blessed Miriam Teresa occurred a year ago on October 4, 2014, at the Basilica Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Newark, NJ. This was the first beatification to occur on United States soil.
The miracle attributed to Blessed Miriam Teresa, was that of a young boy diagnosed with bilateral juvenile macular degeneration, for which there is no cure. He was declared blind. The mother of the young boy prayed to Sister Miriam Teresa, for a cure of her son’s blindness and through the intercession of Sister Miriam Teresa, his sight was restored to perfect vision. For further information check the website of the Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth,
Everyone can feel proud that Sister was born and lived in Bayonne. Blessed Miriam Teresa was baptized, confirmed and received her First Holy Communion in our parish. Our parish family is honored and blessed to have had her as a parishioner and will continue to honor her memory.
Please, join us for this special event to honor Blessed Miriam Teresa, as we seek her intercession, commemorate her beatification, and pray that another miracle will soon lead to her canonization and sainthood. Please call the rectory at (201) 339-1840 or email Carol @ with the number attending so that preparations can be made.


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