Hudson Reporter Archive

A long road traveled; a long road ahead.

To the Editor:

Back in February, Mom had back surgery. That was successful. However, while in rehab, she got a sepsis infection, which led to two major heart attacks, and two strokes. This began a nightmare we would have never expected. There was a time during this rollercoaster where we were told she wouldn’t make it through the night a few times. And our worst nightmare was happening before our eyes. Another major heart attack arose that needed an emergency procedure. Then a few more infections to follow and yet another back surgery. Anyone who has ever met my spitfire mom as the doctors called her, know she is nothing but a fighter. She has recently been able to walk 15 steps with assistance and doing outrageously with her physical therapy. She is now suffering the mental aspects of the strokes, and has a long tough road ahead, but she has come so far in this soon to be seven-month battle. Not a day goes by where we can’t be more proud of the determination she has, and her tough will to get through it all. However, not mom, myself, or my dad would have made it thrrough this battle without the enormous support group we have. There are a lot of people to thank, for daily calls, messages, sleepless nights, shoulders to cry on, and help with my children, so we could sit with mom around the clock. There are some people who need a special thank you for everything (to put it mildly). We wouldn’t be OK without mom’s ER nurse (also a childhood friend), Kim Henniger, the ICU nurse Christina, the third-floor nurses (of BMC) Kerri, Simera, and Angela, Liz Angerstein from telemetry. Doctors Adrian and George Padkowsky, Dr. Woods, Dr Haun, and Dr. Wong. Then we have our closest friends, Bridget Pulley (from the first second and still going), Arlena Monteleone, Melissa and Rikki Roman, Jeanne Bianco, Michael Cabellero, and Gary La Pelusa and family were friends who became family. Our cheer family, Bayonne Elite, how you mange to run an awesome organization and still find time and love to support us in ways you don’t even know, we are beyond thankful, and Mom’s big brother Joe and his wife, Maureen, who have been beyond words supportive, and last but not least John Castellano, Heather Angerstein, and Andrea and Danny McCabe who have done more than we can ever mention. We are forever thankful for everything!


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