Hudson Reporter Archive

Open house for local cemeteries

On Nov. 14 to15 the Archdiocese of Newark will host its fall open house at Holy Name Cemetery & Mausoleum in Hudson County to assist families in learning more about advance planning. Discussing funeral preparations for a family member or loved one is not an easy conversation and the Archdiocese has created these open houses to help families discuss this uncomfortable and difficult topic.
The open house for Holy Name Cemetery & Mausoleum, 823 West Side Avenue in Jersey City will be held on Nov 14-15, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Holy Cross Cemetery & Mausoleum, 340 Ridge Road, North Arlington, which is also used by a number of residents from Hudson County will hold theirs on Oct. 17 to18 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
“When there is a death in the family and loved ones are experiencing a great deal of emotional pain and suffering, the worries of last-minute funeral arrangements and burial services should not become part of the grieving process,” says Andrew P. Schafer, executive director of the Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Newark. “When you take charge of making these plans beforehand, it makes it less difficult and certainly much kinder to your family.”
Pre-planning a memorial and pre-selecting a burial option is a growing trend in the United States. Increasingly, baby boomers are addressing this somewhat uncomfortable topic. Most recognize the benefits of planning final arrangements ahead to spare loved ones of tough choices at an already-difficult time. But, many also find that advance planning allows families ample time to carefully consider all memorial options in a thoughtful and unhurried manner, he said.

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