If you’re going on vacation or just hanging out locally, take a photo with any Reporter newspaper, including the Bayonne Community News, and send it to us! We’d love to print it and show your neighbors where you went.
Visiting relatives in the next town? Hanging out down the Shore? Riding a camel in the desert? They’re all worthy photos!
Just follow these easy instructions:
You can send it by e-mail or regular mail. To send by e-mail, send it as a .jpg attachment to editorial@hudsonreporter.com and always put REPORTER ON VACATION in the subject head. For regular mail, send to REPORTER ON VACATION, Hudson Reporter, 1400 Washington St., Hoboken, NJ, 07030. Please do not send your only copy of the photo, as things do get lost in the mail. Include a short description of the people in the photo, towns where they live, and where the photo was taken, so we can write a caption from your information. Include a phone number or e-mail address in case we need more information.
Photos will not be returned. Only ONE photo per trip please.
If you have questions, or if you sent a photo and aren’t sure we ever received it, e-mail editorial@hudsonreporter.com and put REPORTER ON VACATION in the subject head.
We look forward to seeing where you went on vacation!
Reporter on Vacation