Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you for your ongoing support

Dear Editor:
Allow me to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my friends and family for their ongoing support of my re-election campaign. It is because of supporters like them that I have won the Democratic Primary Election and I am honored to represent Ward A District 4 as their Committee Person.’’ As I am sure they are aware, the commitments of this campaign are substantial and on-going. Their support and vote enables me to take their concerns in Ward A District 4 to my friends in City Hall. I look forward to staying in contact with them as we continue our efforts to make “Ward A-District 4” a better community for all of us to live in. If I can ever do anything to help you or your family, don’t hesitate to let me know.
I also would like to thank my greatest supporters; my daughter Gabrielle and my Granddaughter Paris who is five years old. Thank you for believing in me. Paris, I heard you loud and clear when you yelled in my ear on the day of election, “Do you wanna win? Then, walk in the rain.” I did, and you walked beside me and held my hand. I love you.

Yvette M. Thomas
Hudson County Democratic Committee Woman Ward A- District-4

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