Hudson Reporter Archive

Memorial Day in DC

Dear Editor:
The Town of Secaucus and the entire State of New Jersey, should recognize the Secaucus Middle/High School Marching Band, for being selected to participate in the American Veterans Center National Memorial Day Parade in Washington DC. These young men and women made us all proud, representing our state by marching and performing in the national parade.
Congratulations and many thanks to the student musicians, their families, Band Director Sue Bartolozzi, Band Parent Association President Anne Grewe (who travelled with the band, along with John Mollard and MaryAnn Meli), Mayor Gonnelli, the Town Council and many other parents, volunteers, sponsors and supporters who made the trip possible with their donations of money, and time to organize the events.
This was probably a once in a lifetime opportunity for them to have the honor of performing for their country, on such an important holiday as Memorial Day. They had the US Capitol building behind them, the Washington Monument over their shoulders and the White House in the background, while thousands of people cheered and waved flags along the parade route. It was a memorable experience for all of us. It was a thrill to see my daughter and her band friends participate in this great event. I will admit to being a little choked up when I saw them marching down the street. I will probably be remembered for being the man waving the flags who screamed “We love you guys” as they passed by. An outburst of pure and genuine emotion from a proud Secaucus band parent.

Anthony Derienzo

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