Hudson Reporter Archive

Valles, Subacz lead Hawks to gold

With their sights set on a perfect season, the (8-0) Blackhawks faced one more foe as they took on the (5-4) Red Wings in the JCC of Bayonne Jr. Division Floor Hockey “Gold Medal” round. The high powered Blackhawks dominated right from the opening whistle as Edward Denne assisted Sebastian Valles on four straight net jets as the “Hawks” took a 4-0 lead. After a number of near misses, the Red Wings’ Michael Egan hit a bullseye blast off an assist by AaliyanaCifuentes to make it 4-1, Blackhawks. With their net under constant siege, the Red Wings called on David Matos and Jonathan Tom to weather the advance but the Blackhawks never backed down. With Dylan Subacz firmly planted in net, the Blackhawks put all their forces on the attack as Valles added four more goals for a season total of fifty six net gems while KaileyDelauter continued her late season scoring spree with another wrist shot rocket. Leading 9-1, the Blackhawks finally called off the dogs as they captured gold while also notching a perfect (9-0) season.
Week 7 Jr. Division
Offensive Player of the week – Sebastian Valles – Blackhawks
Defensive Player of the week – Dylan Subacz – Blackhawks
Teamwork/ Leadership Player of the week – Michael McCollum- Bruins

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