Hudson Reporter Archive

Help Bayonne’s schools say ‘no’ to the Common Core

To the Editor:

Now that the primary is over, let’s not forget that the next election is really important and undeniably historic. Bayonne will be holding its first School Board election in well over 30 years this November. People will actually be able to vote for the members of the Board of Education who will determine how our tax dollars are spent, what our city’s students learn, and how those pupils are taught.
If the next generation is our future, then the future prosperity and quality of life of Bayonne depends on an educational system second to none. One that is capable of turning our young people into productive citizens who are both an asset to themselves and to their community. Few things can be more vital than this.
With that in mind, it is time for our city to say no to the Common Core, the divisive and questionable curriculum that political bureaucrats are trying to push down the throats of our teachers.
Already, four states have abolished this educational experiment and rejected its use for their students.
Now, I realize that many people may not yet be fully aware of the devastating effects that this unproven intrusion has on our educational process, except that it takes teaching out of the hands of teachers, and instead allows bureaucrats and politicians to meddle in the classroom—all to the detriment of our schoolchildren.
So over the next few weeks, I will be explaining in detail just why the Common Core is so harmful to our students, so terrible for our teachers, and so unnecessary for our school system. Bayonne needs to join the growing nationwide outcry against this awful educational experiment and reject the Common Core.

Bayonne School Board Choice

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