Hudson Reporter Archive

Bayonne resident seeks kidney donor

To the Editor:

My name is Adriane Sclafane, and I am a lifelong Bayonne resident, who has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease. I was a public school teacher in Bayonne for 44 years, retiring in 2013. I hope to make my community aware of my need for a living donor. Stage 4 means that the kidneys are failing. The kidneys help the body to filter blood and get rid of poisons, salt, and water. Without kidneys that work, people become very sick. I’ve been told I will need dialysis within three months to a year.
My doctors have told me that the ideal treatment for kidney failure is a kidney transplant. A kidney for transplant could come from a deceased donor, but I would have to wait three to five years, or even longer, for this kind of transplant. This would mean that I would probably have to spend years on dialysis, where machines would clean my blood for me.
The doctors have said that the best type of transplant is from a living donor. I wouldn’t have to wait years for a transplant. A transplant from a living donor also has the best chance of working for many years. Unfortunately there are no suitable donors in my immediate family.
During my evaluation at the Transplant Center, I learned that one of the best ways to help myself was to make sure people know about my situation. I learned that in the United States, there are more than 100,000 people on the waiting list for a kidney. Each year, only about 11,000 of those patients are fortunate enough to get a kidney transplant from someone who has died and donated their organs. I am hoping I will be able to find a living donor so that I can avoid dialysis completely or come off of dialysis quickly and be transplanted soon so that I may live a longer life with a better quality of life.
If you would like to know more about living donation the staff of the Transplant Center is available to talk to you confidentially. They can explain what is involved in the living donation process and answer any questions. Calling for information does not obligate you in any way. All calls are strictly confidential, even from me, unless you consent to share this information. The number is (973) 322-5346.
I wholeheartedly appreciate any support you can offer me. I realize that donating a kidney may not be right for everyone, or it simply might not be the right time. It is a very personal decision that requires not only education about the risks and benefits but also thoughtful consideration and the support of loved ones. I hope someone from my community will be able to help me. Please note all inquiries should be made to the Transplant Center. Additional information can found at
Thank you in advance for your support.


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