Hudson Reporter Archive

New Bayonne city website goes live

BAYONNE – The city of Bayonne has launched a new website to better serve the public, Mayor James Davis has announced.
“In this day and age we need to be sure that we maximize the use of all media outlets so that information flows freely into and out of City Hall,” Davis said. “My administration has made this a priority, and the launch of the new website continues this effort.”
The site launch comes after months of data gathering and design by the city’s webmaster in coordination with the administration, city departments, and city hall employees.
“We are really encouraging everyone to check out the new site and let us know what you think,” Chief of Staff Andrew Casais said. “We tried to get all of the important stuff right up front, but the public’s input is crucial, because they are the ones who will be using the site.”
The new homepage includes “Community Events” and “Upcoming Meetings” calendars, recent municipal budgets and city audits, and the latest information on the New Jersey Turnpike 14A Exchange and Bayonne Bridge “Raise the Roadway” construction projects.
The web address will remain the same: Feedback can be sent to

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