Dear Editor:
Yes, they heard and they came, over 200 friends and family, to celebrate the 90th birthday of Vinnie Wassman, a true Hobokenite indeed—brought up on First and Monroe St., St. Joseph’s, grew up under the Mayor Barney McFeely era—he was honored by 2 past Hoboken mayors, Patty Pasquale and Dave Roberts, plus members of Hoboken Police and Fire Department, present and retired. Plaques honoring his services to historic, church and veterans units. Also as a member of the Advanced Order of Red Men Hoboken’s bi centennial committee of 1976 under Mayor Steve Capiello, and also right hand man to Mayor Grogan, honored for his years of service with Hoboken Historic Museum-Hoboken Historic Group-K of C-Elks, Holy Name Society, American Legion, and it goes on and on.
I’ve known Vinnie for some 80 years and served with him in the U.S. Merchant Marine, WWII in the Black No. Atlantic Ocean, and marched in hundreds of parades with pipe bands and marching units. If you missed this party – time flies and its only 10 years to Vinnie’s 100th Birthday-b there!
Vinnie did his famous rendition of Yankee Doodle Dandy to the crowd’s delight. A tip of the cap to the terrific food output by the Elks chef and staff. Just great.
Vinnie- it has been and always will be a pleasure to be your friend.
Jack O’Brien