Hudson Reporter Archive

Supporting equality in the Hoboken public schools

Dear Editor:
We are writing in support of the recent vote by the Hoboken Board of Education to appeal the decision by the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) allowing the expansion of the Hoboken Dual Language Charter School.
The Hoboken Board of Education is asking the Appellate Court of New Jersey to reexamine the recent decision by the NJDOE allowing charter school expansion without properly considering the segregative and financial impact of that expansion on the Hoboken Public School district.
We agree with the board that the appeal is warranted to ensure that the NJDOE properly follows New Jersey state law. In addition to considering the socioeconomic and financial impact of charter expansion, the NJDOE must observe the correct census data as required by law:
“The admission policy of the charter school shall, to the maximum extent practicable, seek the enrollment of a cross section of the community’s school age population including racial and academic factors.” (N.J.S.A. 18A:36-A-8.e)
This appeal isn’t about the relative merits of one school versus another. Instead this appeal is simply about the law and equality in education. It is vitally important that the NJDOE follow the law, otherwise there will be no equality in education for the neediest students served by the Hoboken Public School district, students that include children with special needs and children who are socio-economically disadvantaged.
To defray the cost to the district and taxpayers the appeal will be funded by private donations.
Anyone wishing to join us in this fundamental civil rights issue may do so by mailing checks payable to the Hoboken School Board (please write “Appeal Fund”on the memo line) and addressed to: Hoboken School Board, Business Office, 158 Fourth Street, Third Floor, Hoboken, NJ 07030.
Thank you for supporting this important community cause.

Gregory Bond and Deirdre Wall

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