Hudson Reporter Archive

War on potholes

JERSEY CITY — In an effort to keep up with the flood of potholes plaguing Jersey City Streets, the city has teamed up with the Jersey City Improvement Authority and the Jersey City Municipal Utilities Authority and has managed to fill more than 7,500 since the start of spring.
Mayor Steven M. Fulop that the Department of Public Works has filled more than 7,500 potholes – more than 4.5 times as many as last year – during a five-week period using an aggressive pothole repair plan that coordinated three agencies to improving response times to fill potholes more quickly and efficiently.
Pothole crews were deployed beginning March 10th and in the five weeks since have filled 7,568 potholes citywide. Last year, during the same time period, pothole crews filled 1,625 potholes.
“We understand that residents don’t want to wait for potholes to be repaired after the winter so we deployed an aggressive plan to eliminate potholes citywide and to do it quickly and efficiently,” said Mayor Fulop. “By adding personnel and resources from the MUA and the JCIA, we were able to cover more ground and quadruple the number filled in significantly less time without adding costs.”

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