Hudson Reporter Archive

When will Sacco deal with overcrowded schools?

Dear Editor:
Mayor Sacco’s re-election campaign has officially kicked-off and the timing couldn’t be better, because he just announced no new taxes for North Bergen.
But how does Mayor Sacco propose to alleviate the severe overcrowding of all the North Bergen public schools?
The North Bergen High School has almost twice as many students as it was built for, more than 50 years ago.
And how will he relocate the North Bergen Preschool which for 15 years has been parked illegally in “temporary” trailers in North Hudson – Braddock Park? The community does not want Mayor Sacco to permanently take land away from this public park for the preschool in a “diversion” deal. More than 1100 people have thus far signed the following petition to stop this diversion from happening at:
Mayor Sacco’s tax abatements enrich big businesses and developers at the expense of the Board of Education. Guess who gets stuck with the tab and the inferior services while Mayor Sacco conveniently blames the state for its lack of aid to North Bergen schools? The ordinary taxpaying citizens of North Bergen.
The Wikipedia entry for “North Bergen” includes four paragraphs of incidents that that have occurred since 2004 (during Mayor Sacco’s tenure), under the heading of “Corruption.”
The time has come for North Bergen government to plan and build new schools instead of spending our taxpayer money on Bingo and shopping trips for the community and worse, for corruption.

Robert Walden

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