Hudson Reporter Archive

NBHS senior Jason Pedreros selected for prestigious state judicial program

NORTH BERGEN – High School Senior Jason Pedreros has been selected to participate in the Juvenile Conference Committee, a program of the state judicial system that allows trained citizen volunteers to hear minor juvenile cases and render decisions with the approval of a judge. Jason is the only NBHS student participating in the program and one of the few high school students involved in it statewide.
“Serving on the Juvenile Conference Committee has given me an amazing perspective on the issues facing the youth of our state, from poverty to drugs and violence,” said Pedreros, 18, who was nominated for the program by his history teacher, Timothy Aschoff. “It’s a chance to not only learn about the judicial system, but to try to help some of my peers who have fallen down the wrong path and assist in getting their lives back together.”
“Jason Pedreros is an exceptional student with a bright future and he is a wonderful example of the kinds of young men and women our school district is made up of,” said North Bergen Superintendent of Schools Dr. George Solter.
Pedreros has been serving on the JCC since September, and expects to continue until he goes to college this fall. He has applied to the prestigious Pre-Law programs at Baylor University and Stephen F. Austin University, both in Texas, and hopes to one day pursue a career in public service as an elected official in order to give back to the community and the country. He has taken several trips Washington D.C. and observed congressional sessions and is passionate about issues like growing the economy, creating jobs, and helping immigrants reach a better future.
“I am an optimist and I see a bright, clear future with so many new arrivals coming into our country,” said Pedreros. “I want to use all of my knowledge and wisdom that I can give to them, so they would have the same opportunity as everyone has. It is a privilege and I would like it to one day be my job to serve the public.”

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