Hudson Reporter Archive

Special Keglers shine at a local bowling meet

Twenty seven members of the Bayonne Recreation Special Olympics bowling team turned in outstanding performances at the 2015 SOHC/Area 1 Bowling Meet. The event was contested at the Hudson – Bayonne Lanes in Jersey City with the following results:
4th Place: Marcello Ciccone, Richmond Mccurnin and Elizabeth Wentworth
3rd Place: Nicole Bawiec, Ronald Benitez, Maria Bruno, Kaitlyn Frey, Francheska Huentelaf, Ian Hudacko, Barbara Mari, David Saylor, Marc Tonzola, Elaina Walsh and Michael Walsh
2nd Place: Siearra Battle, Roger Belanger, Lori Brett, Samantha Ciemiecki, Jody Czucza, Dennis Driscoll, Cheryl Olander, Jim Rokicki and Jovanni Torres
1st Place: Charles Cirillo, Wendy Didomenico, Debbie Lesane, Jude Orlando, Dennis Pavlak, Dina Tryon and Marybeth Yurecko John Valdora, Denise Bawiec And Theresa Diaz Served As The Kegler’s Coaches And Were Ably Assisted by Tom Moody, Rose Marie Yurecko, Barbara Brett, Michelle Bawiec, Anita Nedswick, Bayonne Police Department Sergeant Michael Valdora, Bayonne Police Officer Miguel Camacho, Savannah Valdora, Katelyn Moody, Jill Bergalowski, Anastasia Lee and Saroya Scarafile.

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