Dear Editor:
For the last two years I have been trying to trace descendants of my great Uncle John Hamilton and his wife Barbara Banks. They immigrated to New York in 1867 and had two children there, then moved to Jersey City, where they had five more children. Their address was 16 Paterson Plank Rd.
I have just come across information concerning one of these children, Andrew Hamilton, born 1868 and died 1939 in Ridgefield. His wife’s name was Rebecca, born 1870, died 1945. They had a son named Andrew, born 1896, and his wife was named Freda, born 1898. They had one daughter, Viola born in 1921 and a son John, born in1925 in Ridgefield. Hopefully there may be descendants still living there.
I wish to inquire if you would be kind enough to print this letter in the appropriate section of your newspapers in the hope that I can at last track down cousins from this family who had never been in contact with the family since John and Barbara left for America.
There is another lost family that moved to Jersey City, John Hamilton and family, but I wish to concentrate on the above family first.
My contact email address is as follows:
Yours sincerely,
James Reid