Hudson Reporter Archive

Avoid holiday scams

To the Editor:

The holidays are upon us and ’tis the season for taking advantage of people. Grifters abound and there are all sorts of scams disguised as helpful charities, new initiatives, and friendly causes. Everyone wants to help those less fortunate but it’s a shame when you find out that your hard- earned dollars wind up at a “charity” that uses the funds to pay astronomical salaries and fundraising expenses. You can avoid making a mistake with your donations by checking out the cause at which rates charitable organizations and ranks them according to how much of your donation actually reaches the intended cause. Locally, before writing a check you should ask about the organization’s nonprofit status and confirm that they are an authorized 501 (c) (3) corporation. All too often, what seems like a great cause or a worthwhile initiative turns out to be a scam. There are plenty of legitimate local organizations that are properly registered that you can donate to like the BEOF, WINDMILL or UCP. Be smart with your charitable donations this holiday season, avoid the middlemen, and make sure your money gets where you intended it to.

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