Hudson Reporter Archive

McNamara, Mernar lead Dr. Condo.

Ryan McNamara and John Mernar scored 3goals each to lead Dr. Condo to a 6-3 victory over tower electric in div 3. 2014. BYSA soccer, at the Hudson Park arena. Both teams started off with high energy as the crowd filled in. Even though John as Yyan who turned into a great one two combo this year scored the goals everyone contributed .both teams played great. Christian Ramirez played phenomenally at goal giving up a goal to a very tough player Shane Pardine and
two other goals he made several key saves. Bavle Sherkawy Dylon Podlinski and Eric Fonseca made some key assists. James Hodkinson who is considered one of the best defenders in the league after making the position switch from midfield did a great job Allen McComb and Michael Valverdie was all over the big league size arena f or the whole 80minutes of the game. Nicholas Nolan was his consistent self at his defensive position, Youseff Elebrashy and Thomas Bizarroque played superbly on defense. Filip Milkowski was hustling all over the field like it was his last game. Baysheil Ujageer and Kirolous Shenouda played their hearts out on defense. Gencarlo Megale, Liam Burke along with all tower electric played well. And last but not least Dr. Condo was happy when he heard about the win in between seeing his patients.

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