Hudson Reporter Archive

Remember Pearl Habor

Dear Editor:
On Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941, our naval base was bombed without provocation, three weeks before Christmas 1941.
Some service personnel were at early mass, others preparing for breakfast.
Some 2,400 young Americans were killed that morning. We were at war with the Japanese empire.
Some Hoboken men were already in service. A number of them joined after serving with our CCC’s.
After Dec. 7, all men ages 18 through 65 were required to register for the Draft.
This Dec. 7, Hoboken veterans will gather and dedicate a wreath to be tossed into the Hudson River on the 73rd anniversary of this day of ‘infamy.’
On your way to work, say a little ‘Thank you’ and always remember Pearl Harbor.

Jack O’Brien
WWII vet

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