JERSEY CITY-The Hudson County Board of Freeholders oppose the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s scheduled increase in the Path rail fare.
On Oct. 1, Path’s single ride fares increased 25 cents to $2.75 and the Path’s monthly pass will rise to $89.
The Freeholder Board in a resolution passed last week, said the PANYNJ’s increases in Path fares present a hardship to many residents of Hudson County who cannot afford an increase during difficult economic conditions, and will dissuade many individuals outside of Hudson County who rely on the Path system from relocating to Hudson County. It also has a detrimental impact on job creation in Hudson County and New Jersey.
The residents of Hudson County and their elected officials deserve to see all budgets, financial analyses and documents related to operating expenses of the PANYNJ to assess whether PANYNJ is operating efficiently.
The Board of Chosen Freeholders state since municipalities and counties in the State of New Jersey are subject to a 2.5 percent annual limit on increases in appropriations and a 2 percent cap, with limited exceptions, on tax levy increases then why is the PANYNJ not subject to any statutory cap limits on appropriations or increases in Path fares.