Hudson Reporter Archive

Just throwing tax payers money around

Dear Editor:
Sanity and good sense are rare elements (just look around you! Or go to City Hall!), so when the happy few, who inhabit this elevated space, discover a kindred spirit, they welcome her. Such a one is Mary Ondrejka and her recent Letters to the editor, “The Trouble with Washington Street—parts 1 and 2”.
City Hall obviously has more money than it knows what to do with, so, to get rid of it, it lavishes millions on consultants and engineers and lawyers and who knows who else, to plan and re-plan a fatally flawed 9-11 Memorial, and, now, to redesign Washington Street. At least one sane Councilperson, Theresa Castellano, believes that the money spent on designing the 9-11 Memorial “funded a lot of lunches at Amanda’s for consultants and engineers.”
Apparently the redesign of Washington Street calls for putting two bicycle lanes into an already crowded space. We are not Copenhagen here, where thousands ride their bikes every day. For every bike in Hoboken, there are a thousand cars. I walk the sidewalks every day, and there is room for the occasional biker to maneuver around the pedestrians without hitting anyone.
Why don’t we just pave Washington Street when the workers stop digging it up, and leave well enough alone. If our tax money is burning a hole in City Hall’s pocket, perhaps it should hire someone to figure out a way to lower our outrageous property taxes.

T. Weed

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