Hudson Reporter Archive

BCN rocks!

To the Editor:

I am writing to express my gratitude to the Bayonne Community News for being a terrific source of information for the citizens of Bayonne. It is the only place you can find good news about Bayonne seniors, Bayonne politics, Bayonne community events, Bayonne religious happenings, Bayonne health events, Bayonne Sports of all kinds and age (seniors- little ones).
In this paper, which is delivered free to our doorsteps, local merchants take out ads to encourage us to support our own community, including local specials and coupons. Included also are the local obituaries and classified ads. I love the new feature spotlighting teens, who are peer models.
My favorite part of the paper is hands down the education section. To print all these photos highlighting all the children of Bayonne, learning, creating, imagining, and enjoying education gives me great joy and hope for the future. As an educator I see how excited my children are to be featured in the Bayonne Community News. The Bayonne School District has adopted the Reading Program POWER( Parents Open Windows Encouraging Reading). What better way than to read the newspaper with your child and unleash the power.
Two people who make this happen with very little positive feedback are Kate Rounds, editor, and Gil Aguon, editorial assistant. I want to be the positive voice of all the children, parents, grandparents, and teachers who are delighted by your work. I thank you for all your hard work in helping to keep a sense of community in Bayonne, and for putting a spotlight on what we strive to be: better, more positive citizens.


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