Hudson Reporter Archive

Parents for Change vote 1-6-7

Dear Editor:
It has been an amazing few months campaigning for a seat on the Board of Education. I have spent my mornings talking to parents at each of the various Hoboken schools, discussing ideas at the PATH and ferry stations with NYC commuters and spending my evenings at gatherings of friends and neighbors in their homes. I have talked to parents on the soccer field, in the playgrounds and at block parties and have knocked on doors in the Housing Authority and in the senior citizen residences. To those individuals who are educators and school administrators I am deeply grateful for your willingness to share your knowledge, experience and expertise. Speaking with so many Hoboken High School students about their experiences in the school system has been great fun. It has been so valuable to hear from the community about their concerns, listen to their ideas, discuss various solutions and share common goals for Hoboken education. I would especially like to thank those of you who have already volunteered to serve on a steering committee to explore financing, curriculum and developing best practices. The generosity of your time will prove to be invaluable!
So what I have learned? 1) Hoboken families have a strong desire to remain in Hoboken and raise their families here and 2) In almost every conversation regardless of where the family resides, their level of education or the resources that are available to them there is one common issue; a deep concern about their child’s education as they approach the upper grades; 7th, 8th and above. When one attends the Board of Education meeting and the trustees are practically cheering that almost half our 3rd-8th graders (48 percent) scored partially proficient (below average) in Language and more than 40 percent scored partially proficient in Math in the NJ State Testing and only 7-8 percent of our high school 11th graders scored advanced proficient, you have to ask yourself is that reason to cheer? I know that we can do better. We have to do better!
The residents, parents and the children in this community deserve for the Board of Education to do better. I am dedicated to building the bridge between the public schools and the community. How I approached my campaign will be how I will approach my seat on the Board by leading this community in setting strategy, creating stability and setting high, but achievable, goals so that when we lay our heads on our pillows at night, we can all sleep soundly knowing that are children will be safe and will have a best in class education. We should never have to ask ourselves should we stay or should we move because of the school system. Now that would certainly be something to cheer about! Please support the Parents for Change ticket (Brian Murray, Pat Waiters and myself, Lynn Danzker) to bring positive change to the Hoboken schools, as we are dedicated to bringing our community together. We know the best ideas come from collaboration and all children should always remain front and center. Join us as we create a safe, challenging progressive school district.

Thank you,
Lynn Danzker
4th grade parent candidate for Board of Education, Parents for Change vote 1-6-7 on November 4th.

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