Hudson Reporter Archive

State and national figures to celebrate opening of prisoner reentry center

JERSEY CITY – Democratic House Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi will join Gov. Christopher Christie, Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, U.S. Senator Robert Menendez and others for the grand opening of Martin’s Place, an all-inclusive prisoner re-entry program. The first of its kind, the program will serve as a nationwide model to significantly reduce ex-prisoners reentry to jail, while helping to meaningfully improve their lives and get them back on their feet in structured, sober housing with a job, greatly enhancing their chances of long-term success.
The grand opening celebration will feature keynotes from Pelosi, testimonials from people who’ve gone through the program, and a tour of the new Martin’s Place. The event takes place on Monday, Sept. 15 at 10 p.m. 398 Martin Luther King Jr Drive. For more information, contact Dan Capawana at or (908) 895-0791.

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