Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken Catholic Academy nets $1.2 million in Sandy relief funds for repairs

HOBOKEN–The Federal Emergency Management Agency will award Hoboken Catholic Academy $1,198,993.50 for repairs related to Superstorm Sandy, Senators Robert Menendez and Cory Booker (D-NJ) announced on Friday.
The funding will be used to pay for emergency measures of oil decontamination and asbestos removal needed after the parochial school was flooded in the aftermath of Sandy. The school is located on Seventh Street between Madison and Monroe Streets in the western area of town most prone to flooding.
“This funding will allow Hoboken Catholic Academy to ensure it is a healthy and safe environment for its students and faculty,” said Menendez. “I will continue to fight for all of those still impacted by the storm as we continue to work toward full recovery in New Jersey,” he added.
Senator Booker echoed Menendez’s comments, expressing his commitment to “ensuring all of our communities have the funding needed to recover and rebuild.”
Last year, President Obama signed a $50.5 billion Superstorm Sandy Supplemental Appropriations bill. According to Menendez spokesman Steven Sandberg, the legislation covered “federal aid to help homeowners, businesses, and communities recover, and resources to rebuild coastal, transportation, and water infrastructure.”

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