Hudson Reporter Archive


To the Editor:

Officer Melvin Santiago did not serve in my small town. He served on the mean streets of Jersey City where he lost his life in the line of duty to a deranged thug who claimed with high arrogance, “I’m going to be famous.” Really? Not through any help from me; I refuse to further that ambition by using his name here or repeating the vile remarks made by his wife.
Admittedly, I don’t understand inner city mentality, but I have tried to reason out a “second side” to this tragic story taking into account mitigating circumstances: abject poverty, drugs, alcohol, dysfunctional upbringing. While these factors rightfully hold up against some behavioral malfunctions, in the final analysis, they can’t justify the premeditated ambush and murder of America’s Finest, those pledged to keeping society safe.
Police (and firefighters) serve us all in whatever neighborhood we live. They deserve our respect, our gratitude and our assistance when possible. The brain-damaged hoodlum who executed last Sunday’s senseless act of cowardice when he fired those shots into the police cruiser deserves to be forgotten as easily as last week’s trash.
My heart breaks for Officer Santiago’s family and friends, the Jersey City police force and this fallen world in general.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Rom. 6:23


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