Hudson Reporter Archive

Years of loyal service

Dear Editor:
I would like to acknowledge the recent retirement of Stanley M. Sanger, the Union City school system superintendent, who left the district as of June 30, 2014. I have had the honor of knowing Mr. Sanger for the past 41 years; 4 as a high school student while I attended Emerson High School, and over 12 years as first a teacher in the Union City School System, and finally while I served a principal of Emerson High School. Retirement is always a personal decision, one has to be ready for that change in lifestyle or simply has put in enough time. Unfortunately, I know Mr. Sanger after 41 years in the system still had the drive and desire to perform his duties and might have stayed on a few more years if not for the ‘salary cap” restrictions put on school superintendents.
Mr. Sanger was an effective administrator over his long career, first as the principal of Robert Waters School for many years, then as the assistant superintendent of schools for some 4 years, where he successfully shepherded the pre-school expansion initiative for the district as well as his leadership to the district as the superintendent over the past 11 years. Being the superintendent in any district is a difficult job, in Union City it is even more difficult due to the sheer size and diversity of the neighborhoods. Stanley Sanger work ethic made that job look easy. He led the district to its’ current student academic success and was hands-on in planning and opening seven new schools under his watch. He is commended for his service to the community in which grew up and went to school as well as his advocacy to the students’ success in Union City.
While the school system will go on and will continue to be successful, we lose a little of historical significance when you lose a man of his stature and experience. In closing I wish to salute your efforts and commitment to the betterment of our youth in Union City. I wish Mr. Sanger health and happiness in his retirement and thank him for his years of loyal service.

Respectfully submitted,
Frank R. Scarafile

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