Hudson Reporter Archive

Clean up our act

To the Editor:

My name is Jennie. I consider myself a community activist for the betterment of my town, Bayonne. More than 10 years ago, I attended College and was selected to the Government Committee of Bayonne in 2000. When we had the first large meeting, I was amazed to hear something I penned, completed written, aloud. ”We need to unite to better our community” etc. Just wanted to share with you something that happed at a local bank last week. While walking to the bank a pile of garbage blowing around from a spillover from only one garbage can outside surrounded my ankle. When I walked in the bank, I mentioned to one of the staff, “Why doesn’t this bank do something about the overflow of trash?” The woman replied, “That is the state’s responsibility.” A small thing, one extra garbage can would work. Well, I did not answer, but if big businesses and homeowners have that attitude, we will get nowhere. I did listen to the new mayor and feel that paying street sweeper pushcarts to clean is very expensive. Do not want pushcarts but would like the city to get after big business and homeowners. More garbage cans on street corners, people who leave garbage outside more than two days, fine them. Also, in that paper, called our Bayonne waterway “oil spill capital.” We need to start something to clean up our act. I, for one, will always be supportive of an administration that wants to clean up waterway/environment/streets. Thank you for listening to me.


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