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An alkaline diet reduces risk of disease

If you’re health-conscious you may have heard the word alkaline being associated with diet. What is an alkaline diet and can it really reduce your risk of disease while helping you look younger? In this week’s post we help you decide if an alkaline diet is right for you.

The Alkaline Diet 101

Let’s start with the premise behind the alkaline diet. The opposite of alkalinity is acidity. The American diet is filled with highly acidic foods such as meats and refined carbohydrates. Too many acidic foods cause inflammation and leave the body vulnerable to disease. Signs of an acidic body include fatigue, gum and teeth problems, premature aging, and an impaired immune system.
To be clear, whether or not a food is acidic or alkaline has more to do with how your body reacts to it, rather than the actual acid contained in the food itself. For example, lemons are actually very alkaline and are excellent consumed raw.

What’s blood got to do with it?

Our blood pH (the balance of acid and alkaline) should be between 7.35 and 7.45. A pH that slides too far alkaline or too far acidic is asking for trouble. Maintaining a healthy pH level by eating the right foods, ensures better health.

Eat these alkaline foods for better health

Not surprisingly, many alkaline foods are vegetables known for their cancer-fighting properties. These include:

● raw spinach
● brussel sprouts
● cauliflower
● alfalfa grass
● raw broccoli
● red cabbage
● carrots
● cucumbers
● asparagus
● artichokes
● raw celery
● collards
● raw zucchini
● raw green beans
● most lettuce
● raw eggplant
● raw peas
● alfalfa sprouts

Notice that many of these stipulate that the vegetables should be consumed raw. This is because most foods become more acidic when they are cooked.
Many fruits are considered alkaline as well. Some of the most alkalizing fruits include:

● lemons
● limes
● mangoes
● tangerines
● grapes
● blueberries
● papayas
● melons
● pears
● figs
● dates

Other healthy alkalizing foods to include in the diet are:

● olive oil
● borage oil
● sprouted grains
● seaweed
● wild rice
● millet

Could you benefit from a personalized consultation regarding your health concerns? That’s what we’re here for! During your free 10-minute consultation we’ll examine your health goals together and see how we can help you reach them. Get in touch today!
In the meantime, download our free e-book on cleansing. It has a wealth of information regarding cleansing your body of unhealthy toxins. Our 7-day cleanse is the jump-start you need to regain your health. Still not sure? Give us a call at (201) 869-5990 and let us know you’re interested in the 7- day cleanse, or request your free consultation today! Together we can decide if a cleanse is right for you:

Tony Ortiz is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Pharmacist and owner of Atlas Drug and Nutrition at 8416 Kennedy Boulevard in North Bergen, New Jersey.
As an anti-aging specialist, Tony often helps people dealing with complex or “vague” illnesses when traditional providers are at a loss. His website, also provides practical help for people struggling with weight gain, hormone imbalance, diabetes, or high cholesterol. Request a free consultation today. Have a question you’d like to see addressed here? Tell Tony via the contact page on our site.

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