Hudson Reporter Archive

Report Lists 5 Unnecessary Emergency Care Scans

More on too much unnecessary imaging..
Recently a Newsday article * article discussed a report on unnecessary ER imaging. These tests include several types of CT scans and magnetic resonance imaging such as:
-CT scans of the cervical spine for trauma patients who do not meet high-risk criteria.
-CT scans to diagnose pulmonary embolism (blockage of an artery in the lung usually by a blood clot). The report recommends first determining a patient’s risk for pulmonary embolism.
-MRI of the lumbar spine for patients with lower back pain without high-risk features.
-CT of the head for patients with mild traumatic head injury who do not meet high-risk criteria.
-Anticoagulation blood tests for patients without hemorrhage or suspected clotting disorder.
Always ask why an imaging study is being recommended? Whenever possible check with your primary care physician.
* to read the full Newsday article, “Report Lists 5 Unnecessary Emergency Care Scans” by Delthia Ricks, highlight and click on open hyperlink
Note: This blog shares general information about understanding and navigating the health care system. For specific medical advice about your own problems, issues and options talk to your personal physician.

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