Hudson Reporter Archive

Zimmer declines comment on potential indictments of Christie aides

HOBOKEN – She’s read the Esquire magazine story, based on anonymous sources, saying Bridge-gate related indictments of allies of Gov. Christopher Christie are “near-certain,” but Mayor Dawn Zimmer has nothing to say about it so far.

According to, Zimmer, who in January charged political retaliation against Christie claiming his administration threatened to withhold Hurricane Sandy relief funds if she didn’t support a politically connected development in Hoboken’s north end, said, “I did read it, but I can’t comment on it.”

The Esquire story, post on the magazine’s website Thursday, claims two anonymous sources say Bridgegate-related indictments of Christie allies on federal corruption charges are “near certain.” The U.S. Attorney’s Office has declined to comment.

Christie has denied the mayor’s charges, but they attracted the interest of U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman, who is investigating the role Christie and his staff and appointees played in the George Washington Bridge lane closures and Hoboken Sandy-aid scandals. Zimmer met with federal prosecutors after she appeared on Kornacki’s show.

Esquire’s sources say they expect Fishman to return some indictments against Christie allies as early as next month.

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