Hudson Reporter Archive

“…hand-hygiene compliance… has proven to be extremely effective at preventing MRSA infections…”

Recently Fox News * reported the importance of hand washing in the ICU.
“Gloves and gowns don’t appear to protect against MRSA, VRE infections in hospitals.
Researchers analyzed each sample to see which patients had been infected with MRSA or VRE while being treated in the ICU. Overall, when comparing intervention ICUs with regular ICUs, the difference in VRE infection rates was not statistically significant. The difference in MRSA infection rates was only borderline statistically significant, Medical News Today reported.
“The small difference in MRSA-infection rates could be explained by the fact that the “intervention” ICUs had better rates of hand-hygiene compliance, which has proven to be extremely effective at preventing MRSA infections, the researchers noted.”
*To read the full Fox News article, “ Gloves and gowns don’t appear to protect against MRSA, VRE infections in hospitals” highlight and click on open hyperlink

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