Hudson Reporter Archive

Art exhibit conceived on a dog walk: ‘Union City Unleashed’

UNION CITY – The City of Union City, Mayor Brian Stack, and the board of commissioners present the photo exhibit “Union City, UNLEASHED” by Glen Davis. The exhibit will open with a reception on Friday, June 6 at 7 p.m. at the William V. Musto Cultural Center, 420 – 15th Street in Union City. Attendees will have the opportunity to greet and meet the artist. There will be live music and refreshments. Admission is free.
Glen Davis has been a professional photographer for 38 years. He was Malcolm Forbes’ personal photographer, traveling around the world with him on various adventures until Forbes’ death in 1990. Glen continued on as the Forbes family photographer, shooting Steve Forbes’ two presidential campaigns, as well as shooting thousands of assignments for Forbes magazine as its only in-house photographer, a job he enjoys to this day, 27 years after his first motorcycle ride with Malcolm Forbes.
Glen Davis is a relatively new resident of Union City. Every morning he and his dog Miami go out early and walk for two to five miles, canvassing the streets of Union City and appreciating the wonderful character of the city, exemplified by its diverse Hispanic population. Of particular interest to Glen are the colors and textures he sees smattered throughout the community. This exhibit allows viewers to experience the beauty Glen sees through his camera’s lens when he and Miami walk Union City’s streets.

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