Hudson Reporter Archive

Vote Romano, a true friend of the community

Dear Editor:
There is an upcoming election on June 3rd. My friend, Anthony L Romano is running for re-election to the freeholder board. I wanted to write to the public to let them know what type of person he really is, because he needs the support of the people now.
If you don’t know Anthony L. Romano, better known as Stick, you do not know that his is a supporter and true friend of the Washington Park Little League and girls softball teams here in Jersey City for the last six years. He has done this by sponsoring the Girls Senior Rage and Boys Major Yankees teams. He never has to think about it, he never misses a beat. When we ask him to help, he is there working with us sponsoring our teams so the kids can be properly attired.
I have been talking about him around the city and what I found out was that he does not just sponsor the baseball and softball teams here in Jersey City. He also supports adult softball and soccer teams in Hoboken. He also sponsors chess tournaments in Hoboken and Washington Park. He has helped with the uniforms for the St. Nicholas girls’ basketball team in Jersey City. He is also purchasing windbreakers for the champions of the Washington Park baseball league.
This June 3rd is an election. I am asking you, friends of Jersey City and Hoboken to vote for a true friend of the community, someone who is selfless and has been part of Hudson County his entire life. This June 3rd, he is in a competitive election. This is where the community needs to pull for Freeholder Anthony L. Romano the way he has supported our neighborhoods. This June 3, please vote Line 4B for Freeholder Anthony L Romano. I know I will be.

John Brunn

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