Hudson Reporter Archive

Vote Phil Cohen for freeholder for fiscal integrity

Dear Editor:
I write in support of Phil Cohen’s candidacy for Hudson County Freeholder, representing Hoboken and a portion of Jersey City.
Phil is a committed Democrat. He served as Vice-Chair of the Hoboken Democratic Party, and, as Chairman of the By-Laws Committee of the Democratic Party, Phil was instrumental in bringing about reforms to the by-laws to bring a greater level of integrity and accountability to the operations of our local Democratic Party. Phil will bring these values with him to the Hudson County Board of Chosen Freeholders.
Many Hobokenites wonder if the city is getting an appropriate level of service and support from the county under our current Freeholder, Anthony Romano. For example, why, after most other roads have been fully patched, is Hoboken’s Observer Highway – a county responsibility – still a nearly impassable gauntlet of potholes and decay? Why hasn’t Mr. Romano forced the county to prioritize the repair of this major thoroughfare, one of the main entry and exit points for the entire city?
To ensure that the county is efficiently using our tax dollars to meet the needs of Hoboken and Jersey City, Phil has proposed conducting a top-to-bottom independent audit of the operations of all county departments to root out waste and corruption. In this way, Hoboken and Jersey City will be ensured of a higher level of service for the significant taxes that we pay to the county.
It’s time to end “business as usual” at the county. Elect Phil Cohen for freeholder, to bring good governance to the county and to help Hoboken and Jersey City get the county services that our cities need and deserve.

James A. Castiglione

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