Hudson Reporter Archive

Support Mr. Falto, vote column B-4

Dear Editor:
I am a long time rent payer in Union City. Why is that we never hear anything about affordable housing in Union City? I am told as it is there are currently way too many one bedroom condos for sale in our community. Many of us dream for a decent 2 bedroom rental in Union City, one of my friends pay $1700 monthly for such an apartment. This by the way does not include utilities.
Why does our current Freeholder Rivas remain silent on this most important issue. I am only aware of around 12 affordable housing units built in Union City under the present administration which includes Mr. Rivas who doubles as a commissioner. These 12 units are part of large building that is actually around 90 percent within the border of West New York.
I truly believe we should instead elect career educator and lauded community activist Mr. Jose G. Falto to be the next freeholder representing the City of Union City. I urge all eligible voters to please come out on Tuesday, June 3 and support Mr. Falto. Polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Vote column B-4.

Sincerely yours,
Elisandro Melendez

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