Hudson Reporter Archive

HPAC’s public endorsement for three Latinos for freeholders in Hudson County

Dear Editor:
Please accept this letter as a formal invitation to our public political endorsement for three Latinos who are running for Freeholders in the Democratic Primary in June third. We are endorsing Esmeralda Trinidad in District No. 3 (Dominican), Henri Marrero in District No.8 (Puerto Rican) and the actual Chairman of the Board of Chosen Freeholder in Hudson County, Jose Munoz (Cuban). These candidates represent the best interest of our community in Hudson County.
However, we are aware that you are looking for news, and with the political situation with Freeholder Chairman Munoz is making local headlines. Freeholder Munoz was the key witness in computer hacking case against Mayor Felix Roque in West New York (corruption). For this reason, Chairman Munoz has been targeted and kicked out of the Democratic Party line and is running independently. Much to the displeasure of the political machine, Munoz is making strides and has become the leading contender in the race. Is it right to punish a public servant because he is fighting against corruption in our communities? Is it right that the political machine select candidates to run for their own benefits and not the benefits of Hudson county residents?
The endorsement event was held on May 2 at 567 Pavonia Ave. Jersey City NJ 07307. It would be a great honor and privilege to count on your support and let our community know the issues we are facing in Hudson County. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Best regards,
Elvin Dominici
Hispanic Political Action Committee Inc. (HPAC)

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