Hudson Reporter Archive

The machine is broken and the citizens have spoken

To the Editor:

Over the last eight months, I have dedicated the majority of my time after work and weekends to campaign for a brighter city government. I stood for three main items. I stood for accountability, accessibility, and transparency. I chose these three important traits because I believe that all elected officials are hired/elected by the citizens to represent them and not their own self-interests. I have not seen any of the three traits for the past four years in any of our elected officials.
Let me just say first, thank you to all who have supported me and contributed to the success of the campaign. Yes, I know I did not win but I am even more energized by the experience. Going forward, I am not giving up and I will take and embrace the opportunity to rebuild our community and bring together like-minded citizens who truly care and want to get involved and have their voices heard. This is not the end; now is a new beginning.
I have always said Bayonne people are unique. They never quit, they speak their minds, and they are headstrong. Bayonne is also now very diverse, and many came out and made their voices heard. What we saw on Election Day was amazing. The political machine as we have seen over the last six years is broken. Yes, it can be done and will be done. We saw a large majority of Bayonnians come out and vote for change. No plan is even necessary right now, because the vision of Bayonne is already brighter with the thoughts of a new mayor and a possible new or even mixed council.
The people of Bayonne have woken up, and they know that change is coming. They can smell it, and they can feel it. We all know the time is coming near on June 10 to make it happen. Just like Paul Revere’s famous quote, “The British are coming, the British are coming.” The citizens of Bayonne are spreading their own quote,”We the people are coming and we are taking Our Bayonne Back.”
In the upcoming weeks, I urge all to back the Davis Team. We are all in this together and nobody will be shut out. This town belongs to all of us and we can all play a great part in this rebranding and revival. The most important thing to do now is to tell anyone who believes in a brighter future for Bayonne to play their part and get out there and support the Davis Team on June 10. Every single vote counts and it’s important to know that united, we will bring a new era for our great city of Bayonne. Let’s put Bayonne back on the map.


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