Hudson Reporter Archive

Regarding the bingo letter

Dear Editor:
I would like to add to “Not all seniors play bingo.” I hate bingo always did and always will. I’ve been a Hoboken resident all my life. When I was younger, I use to say I hope Vinny Barbo is still around when I’m a senior. Well now I’m a senior and Vinny isn’t around (may he rest in peace), he used to have some great trips and activities for seniors, now we have nothing. Do you really think the senior needs another mug or t-shirt, come on not much thought went into that.
I’ve been told that Mayor Zimmer doesn’t approve for the city to pay for the bus to take us on trips. When I’ve been on trips with the Weehawken Weekenders I have brought back flyers to show them the upcoming events at the Brownstone in Paterson or Doolens in Spring Lake. I was told “I’ll give them to Leo.” Well Leo we don’t have no trips.
Us seniors are alive and active you and the mayor need to start treating us like we are alive. I want to thank Mayor Turner and Cathy from the Weehawken Weekenders for allowing us seniors from Hoboken to go on the trips with them, they are so pleasant and sweet and always give respect to all of us. Mayor Zimmer and Leo need to take lessons on how to treat seniors with respect from Mayor Turner and Cathy. Thank you Weehawken Mayor Turner for all you do.

Loretta Fincken

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