Hudson Reporter Archive

Housing Authority is on stronger footing

Dear Editor:
I served only one term on the Hoboken Housing Authority but with cooperation and open dialogue the board and executive director made great strides. One of the first things I noticed was several findings in our audits, lack of a budget surplus, and several other financial metrics that were deficient. Working with the board as Finance Chair and executive director we sought not to just improve but secure the financial stability of the Housing Authority. First we hired a new CFO, then we changed the fee accountant and the final step in the financial puzzle was changing the auditor. These positive adjustments immediately paid dividends for the Housing Authority. When the one, two punch of Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy hit, we were financially secure and able to deal with emergency appropriations. The focus was able to stay on restoring the operations of the authority and bringing back some normalcy to our resident’s lives.
After just five years the Hoboken Housing Authority is now more financially stable, crime has come down, the quality of life of residents has gone up and the Housing Authority is looking to the future. I feel that I have contributed to the turnaround of the Housing Authority and have left it on better footing than before.
I will always stay involved with the Housing Authority community and residents. I have had the pleasure of getting to know the families better and feel my life more enriched for that experience. I will continue to be an advocate for affordable housing and for the families of the Housing Authority. Finally, I’d like to thank my fellow commissioners for these past five years and hope that they will always keep the best interests of the residents and the HHA in mind.

Thank You,
Eduardo Gonzalez
Now Former Hoboken Housing Authority Commissioner

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