Hudson Reporter Archive

Dist 2 Freeholder O’Dea is very pro-active

Dear Editor:
Further to the letter written by James Francis Waddleton published on May 4th in the Hudson Reporter, I would like to add few things about the Freeholder O’Dea when it comes to helping the chronic homeless population and constituents:
He played a vital role in the opening of a Kearny warming center for Journal Square’s chronically homeless during the last bitter cold winter. He was also there personally on many nights to make sure the process was working properly.
Several weeks ago, around 10:30 at night, while it was cold and raining, I was made aware of a woman who had just been evicted. This 57 year old woman on crutches, with multiple health issues stood on the street with her pet. I texted Freeholder O’Dea to help and find her shelter for the night. He did that without question. I later learned that he himself was sick.
Around 2010, when several activists questioned the county’s 10 year homeless plan which had no benchmarks, he discovered that more than $450,000 of funding for the homeless was returned to the State irresponsibly, while homeless people suffered on streets. One person even died.
On many occasions, I approached him to put resolutions against PATH fare increases or sequestration cuts or $12 million special senate election cost etc., and he always did so.
When the county increased taxes last year, while giving salary increases to around 370 people, he was one of the two Freeholders that voted against it. Also, he refused to accept the increase for himself.
I am an independent/unattached voter of Freeholder District 2. I will be very happy to vote for him on June 3rd Democratic primary as well as Nov 4th Freeholders elections and volunteer to help him in his campaign. He is a very pro-active person who cares for his constituents and works for all across the board even when we don’t agree on some issues.

Riaz Wahid

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