Hudson Reporter Archive

Pranksters tell ABC News that New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski put up $5K reward for Hoboken woman’s missing three-legged dog

HOBOKEN — reported Monday morning that two stories on ABC Eyewitness News’ website about a missing three-legged dog were hoaxes.
On Friday, ABC reported that Hoboken resident Jennifer Gronkowski’s three-legged dog, Lucky, who is partially deaf, escaped from her residence a few days ago when Fresh Direct came to deliver food. She said that she was the sister in law of New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski, who had put up a $5,000 reward.
The story was picked up by various media outlets who — in a good-hearted effort to help the woman and her (supposedly) heartbroken sons — posted links to the fairly harmless ABC story.
Over the weekend, a followup story on ABC News said she got her dog back.
The original link to the story is here , for now.

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