Hudson Reporter Archive

Work is worship

Dear Editor:
The news, ‘Leadership in action, Mayor Gonnelli honored at annual leadership event’ published on the front page of The Secaucus Reporter dated May 4, makes our town and all its residents proud because their leaders’ hard work was rewarded.
It’s likely said that work is worship but neither the post nor the guy. Hard work never goes in vain, it is always rewarded.
We know that our Mayor Michael Gonnelli is our real leader. He works hard and takes too much care to make the town better and better to live day by day. As a regular morning walker, I am a witness of his working style. I often find him early in the morning visiting either the senior center, or recreation center, or Buchmuller Park, or the library either in his car or on his bike. Last year when the renovation of the park was going on, he often used to come early in the morning to check how far the job was done.
Two summers ago, my street, Minnie Place was without power for more than 48 hours. We often complained PSEG but they did nothing. When we called Mayor Gonnelli and explained the situation, he rushed to our street with cold water bottles and distributed it from house to house. Also he called PSEG and managed to fix the situation and on the same day we got the power again.
More over we all know that our town is safer, peaceful and cleaner than other towns of the county. Our town administration arranged so many events in our town where all the residents participate and enjoy themselves. The mayor and his council members take part in all the festivals and events celebrated by different communities migrated from other countries and help them for their needs.
I strongly believe and personally experienced that no complain given to the mayor or the town is never left unsolved. That is why more and more people from different communities love to live and settle in this town.
I congratulate and give Mayor Gonnelli my compliments on behalf of all the residents of this town.

Bhikhubhai Patel

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