Hudson Reporter Archive

Not at the expense of other innocent children

Dear Editor:
I am a public school parent with children at Wallace School. I’ve been very happy with the academic curriculum and all the great programs that are available to my children. Now I am in a situation where I have to be concerned that the expansion of HOLA charter school is going to directly impact my children
Is it fair to take away from an established school system to fund or expand a new one so a small group of children can have a “private school” like environment? Having school choice is great, but not at the expense of other innocent children who deserve an equal chance at a good education.
Although the average cost per pupil is $22,000, the misconception is that the district spends $22,000 on every child. The cost for an average learner at the public schools is under $11,000. The money to fund the expansion for a small number of Hola students (approximately $500,000/year for the next 3 years) is going come from the funds allocated for the average learners like my children.
I want to thank Dr. Toback and the Hoboken Board of Education for standing up for our children and doing everything in their power to achieve a fair system that will work for all.


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