Dear Editor:
Councilman Michael Yun of Jersey City has introduced a plan to double the salaries of the City Council to attract the best and brightest candidates. This is ridiculous and absurd. A mayoral candidate is searching and seeking the best and the brightest puppet for him or her to control with the least amount of resistance to his or her administration! The past present and most likely in the future a candidates qualifications will mirror the image of the mayoral candidate, to obey completely and most likely to bring in the highest number of votes to that ticket.
This was an unusual municipal election where (2) two candidates won seats in the City Council that ran as an independent. Does this fluke of nature guarantees more miracles in the future if the salaries are doubled? Absolutely not, and whose to say that this will enhance their prestige, intelligence, moral fiber and respect. The Jersey City Council probably has a lower rating than the United States Congress and Senate, marionettes controlled by Mayor Fulop, so does Mr. Yun actually believes that raising their salaries will miraculously overnight will give them decency and morals to do the right thing. If so, than Alice in Wonderland has finally come to Jersey City.
Bringing in more candidates doesn’t mean the best. This might also open the door of having more self serving individuals enter the picture, running to just obtain leverage for an attractive job offer, by placing their names on the ballot or seeking a monetary reward if successful as sitting back for the next four years doing nothing for the people but looking to sell their vote to the highest bidder, filling their own pockets. This will obviously not correct nepotism political hacks and governmental leeches that will ask these councilmembers for so called kickbacks favors and rewards.
Mr. Yun himself won as an independent candidate with his claim to fame was an entrepreneur store owner in Ward D Heights section of Jersey City. He himself stated that he would not accept the raise if given, so what attracted him to public service, if it wasn’t monetary? He contradicts his own self made philosophy.
It’s true that most of our council people have duel and triple positions within the city, county, and state that places financial monetary burdens on the taxpayer, but will this ultimately cure the disease? If a these council members were given an exorbitant increase will this stop multiple government positions, even if the law past will try to restrain this fungus? How can the city dictate to the county and the state? There will always be loopholes in the law? All this Mr. Yun will do is to fill the coffers of the do nothing that wants more and more and open the door for more political handouts.
Will greed always raise its ugly head superseding honesty dignity and morals? Human nature proves greed and corruption especially in Jersey City will always win hands down!
William P. Frasca